It was very very quiet in terms of birds. Several Cormorants and Grey Herons - the numbers are buildng now. Several Teal around in addition to the numerous ducks that are regulars there.
Was great to see a Ruff and Snipe from the Peacock Tower and another Snipe elsewhere.
A Great Spotted Woodpecker dropped by onto one of the feeders (which needed filling!! - please note WWF Barnes if you're reading this?)
A pair of Great Crested Grebes and a family of Little Grebes also added to the day's sightings.
I'd suggested to Trev that even though the wild birds were short on supply at least there would be some photo opportunities in the Collection birds. Wrong!! This was the day that they were giving health checks to most of the birds and, not only were there a lack of birds on display, but some of the water areas had been drained to enable easier captivity of the birds. Another time perhaps!!
However, these youngsters were growing up (Whistling ducks I think) and being protected from predators.

An enjoyable day even though the lack of birds; thanks for your company Trev and... better luck next time! (Glad you enjoyed using the lens ;) )
Brilliant photos, you've had a better day than we had. The first one are the Cuban Whistling Ducks, I think.
Wonderful photos as ever, Tricia! And I hope Trev enjoyed his first visit.
r.e. the bird feeders: throughout summer, while there's plenty of natural food around for birds in the wild, and the wardens need to prioritise their habitat management work, we don't top the feeders up as regularly as we would in winter. However as the weather gets colder they will be filling the feeders frequently.
Jamie Wyver, WWT London Wetland Centre
Great shots. The black swan is a beauty.
Hi Trica.
Well its good to be back on your blog. I see you aint lost the nack of your in flight photos very nice
Love the photo of the Black Swan.
Be glad when the migrents return.
Hi Bob... many thanks..Definitely Whistling Ducks but wasn't sure which sort...
Jamie - thanks for stopping by and leaving the explanation...
OC - thank you as usual :D
Paul.... I'm so pleased to see you here again... :D and thank you as ever...
and Paul.... I agree; hope the migrants are here soon.....
Great shot of the Migrant Hawker in flight. Not an easy subject to say the least.
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