I popped back on Saturday morning with limited time for my visit. The first two birds were a chiff-chaff and a black cap - both hiding in the bushes but lovely to hear and see them as this time of the year.
A young Robin entertained me for quite a while. It's parent was in the bushes on the opposite side of the path - deep under cover.

However, a real highlight was a Ruff on the scrape and did come somewhat closer to the Wader-Scrape hide. Now if only the sun had come out...
Lucky to get these record shots however and pleased to have got them :D
A short visit but rewarding....
Tremendous catch, the Ruff would be a like a dream, I've never seen one. Well done.
There's certainly some great birds there Tricia.
Hi Tricia.
What a suprise to see your Robin
on show in that condition!!
during the moult, so well taken.
The Ruff is a really great set of
photo's, soon to be in winter plumage too. I think the adult
male's breeding plumage is something to behold,and would make a superb photo should you ever get
the chance Tricia.
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