We had a choice of Abbotsbury or one or two of the coastal towns. We went to Beer!! (Sounds a bit like going "to seed" but better - ;) ) Arrived in the pay-and-display car park and Pete nobly leapt out of the car volunteering to feed the machine with coins - but hey ho! very conveniently found he'd left his loose change back at the ranch... a likely tale!!
Went down the steep slope to the beach.. and the first delight of the day was a group of very busy House Sparrows - who posed very nicely.

A quick peak in the local church..

And then on to Forde Abbey and gardens... another new venue for me. It was lunch time when we got there so today's lunch was Red Pepper and Tomato soup with some chunky bread and a cuppa. Then out into the gardens - which are extensive.

Another lovely day out even though we didn't have the great sunshine of yesterday - but at least it was dry. And tonight we ate at the pub over the road as the young couple who run the hotel give themselves a night away from the kitchen. The Yarcombe Inn is a community run pub and provides excellent food.... lovely!!
Beautiful post Tricia. I love the lone swallow and the flower shots.
So glad you are having such a great time I love that colours are becoming autumnal i really love this season sorry! Thinkl the swallows friends are in tenerife living it up
Brill set of photo's Tricia.
The lone Swallow, aahh, seems a bit late setting off! Love the shot of the adult Herring Gull.
The flower photo's are lovely.
A wonderful shot of our Pete. Caught my eye right away, lol. The pictures are wonderful. Love the statues. Looks like you've had a great holiday.
may I mention that someone did give you the change for the car park!!
Chris - thank you... that poor lonely Swallow.
SPD - it was a great time and I didn't want it to end... the autumn colours are great aren't they? Remind me of a November in Cumbria.
So Tenerife is where they've gone is it?
Anony; thank you - I'm assuming it's you Paul?
It does seem a bit late for it to be going off on its incredibly long journey doesn't it! Many herring gulls around of course ;)
OC - hmmm our Pete in quite a picturesque setting lol - and yes it was a great hols.
Pete - Yes you did make good ;)
Yes twas me Tricia, i forgot to add my name DOH!! senior moment.
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