Walking (rather more quickly than usual) through Bushy Park I spotted this preening Crow on its lofty perch - lots of feathers to ruffle to keep warm

I was amazed how many Cormorants there are now. This one had appeared from the left, circled around, spotted its landing target...

And this Red Deer Stag was resting dozily - having a break from the energies expended during the rut no doubt!

A couple of days later and I had a trip over to WWT at Barnes. There are now 2 bitterns reported but as usual they are being very elusive as far as I'm concerned (and many others as well I have to add! )
Whilst watching the goldfinches, we were alerted to several bird alarm calls over by the feeders. As suspected, a bird of prey - Sparrowhawk had invaded the tranquillity of the afternoon.

The Red Deer Stag, a perfect shot Tricia.
Why thank you Roy :D I'm always striving for perfection. I must admit I was rather pleased with that shot... the colours were so good!
I thought the Cormorant shots were cool, then I got to that stag... He almost doesn't look real - what a perfect spot and lighting! He's definitely looking like he's the king of his domain:-) Beautiful shot!
Lovely set Tricia. It would be easy to think it was summer looking at those lol
Good catch with the landing Cormorant; and the Stag in the spotlight, perfect.
You found plenty of interesting activity to photo as always Tricia. The stag is a great portrait shot.
I love the shot of the Red Deer and never tire of seeing them. Beautiful shots as usual.
A nice series of pictures Tricia. I like the way you captured the Cormorant landing landing on the statue.
What can i say? Just another brill set of photo's Tricia!
Those Goldfinches are really super looking birds. Ours are all yellow or gold if you prefer. Crows are really undersold birds. They are great flyers, and they and their cousin, the Raven, figure largely in aborginal lore as the trickester.
Erica Lea - thank you - he was posing so well. and the light was interesting for a change!
Keith - thank you very much. It was a good day for light and sun - makes a change :D
John - always plenty to see in Bushy
OC - I might have a few more coming up soon... thank you.
Phil - just the right light for flight shots on that day - and a backdrop of blue sky always helps!
Gary - thank you for your comment :D I get many Goldfinches visiting my garden too and never tire of seeing them. I saw my first Raven recently - great birds!!
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