I will have hospital appointments in Worthing so wanted to explore the route when there were no time constraints..
I have to admit, that only being able to use one arm to do everything is getting more than tedious and, at times, downright frustrating that it takes me so long to undertake the simplest of tasks.. however I shouldn't complain.. there are many more than me who are very much worse off. So.. grumpy grumble over!!
So here we go with a bit of one handed photography!!
Waiting at my station with Henrietta Hedgehog and Badger Bracken
A slight hiccup when I changed trains and mine was then delayed.
However, off I went on the 2nd train
First stop on arrival, was for lunch. I was starving
The sun was glorious and it was much warmer than when I first left..
I wandered through these 'rocks' and wondered why the ground was so wet!!
Just as I got through, I discovered why!!!.. Water jets in full working order!!
On the train home, .. 4th train today..
and there's quite a bit of Wisteria in the village..
so finally home.
This and That
7 hours ago
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