Nothing much to see on the water; many black-headed gulls, one heron and three pochards. Even the usual cormorants were missing and no sign of the teals seen last visit.
I walked through the wooded area which is a board walk and was rewarded with the sight of a male Bullfinch displaying his splendidly red breast. Nuthatches heard and a Green woodpecker. Not much else seen except a robin.
Decided I would try manual setting on my camera (the results are below). I've obviously got a way to go.
The bird feeder area provided Blue, Great and Coal Tits. A very territorial blackbird to whom even the Squirrel paid deference! A Nuthatch and Chaffinches were frequent visitors together with the Dunnocks, a Wren and a Reed Bunting (thanks for the ID Pete)
On my return to the Visitor's Centre, I was lucky enough to see a Fieldfare enjoying some of the very many red berries.
After a fairly cooped-up week it was good just to get some fresh air and stretch my legs.
Any constructive criticism, helpful hints etc. always welcome.

Reed Bunting.

This is my garden female Blackcap

1 comment:
Saw a Bullfinch the other day, very striking and beautiful bird!
We had a male and female Blackcap in the garden almost a year ago but haven't seen any since.
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