Went over to Barnes this morning. Even the birds were hiding in the warmth of the day. But the light was good and the water very still... as were most of the birds and dragons.
The water was very still as there was no breeze at all today; birds were all standing about and/or preening in the morning heat.. but the reflections in the still water were interesting.

It was cool in the hide but once outside... phew!! Home I came...
Was that a lapwing with its wings spread just before the dragon photo? The iridescence on the feathers is gorgeous. You have some wonderful shots today.
Hi Wilma and thank you... yes, you're quite correct it is a lapwing. The light was excellent for photography today and makes such a difference. Even the seemingly black and white magpies were showing the greens/blues in their feathers too.
The news of your hot weather has reached across the pond...tempting me to catch a flight! The bird reflections, especially the first heron photo, in the still water is just beautiful. Lovely blue sky background as well. Soak up the Vitamin D while you have the chance :)
Great reflections on the Heron shots Tricia.
I can count four Snipe, was that a test to see if we were paying attention.{:)
Hi Glo... wow it must be noteworth our weather, then!! lol And thank you for your kind comments; it's jut a bit too hot around mid-day but earlier in the morning is lovely.
Roy - I wasn't sure but I am now. You can clearly see the fourth on on the right-hand side. Thanks for that!! And of course, it was a test which you passed with flying colours :D
Hi Tricia.
Well once again treated to another
lesson on wildlife photography.
The sunbathing open winged Lapwing is a true lesson on how to capture
your photo!!
It should grace the front cover of
any birding mag. Love the Heron too.
The Dragons too are superb photos
A brilliant series of shots. It certainly made a change to have strong sunlight lower in the sky.
I've been hearing about your unusually hot weather on our news shows. Wonderful shots here Tricia.
Wasn't it a scorcher?!!
Some nice images - but LTTs again!!! Arghhh!!!!
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