I awoke at 4.00 a.m.!! Am I mad!
Trev arrived at crack of dawn and he Pete and I set off for Norfolk. The objective? Trev wanted to see a Corn Bunting and Pete knew where to find them... Trev achieved his objective and throughout the day had many lifers too.
We started at Choseley (near Titchwell) and saw Corn Buntings, Yellowhammers, Red legged partridges and various other more common species.
From there we went to Titchwell Reserve and the selection got even better.
Spotted Redshank - two of them!
Black-tailed Godwits a-plenty
and Avocets too...
We walked down on the beach to the edge of the sea; got excited at spotting two Mergansers...we turned out to be Shovelers..
Another interesting species found down on the beach were a Pete and Trev.
Grey Plover... in the distance..
Large flock of Brent Geese flew off... just a fraction of them here..
Many other species seen including Pintails, Teal, Black-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Gotwit, Ruff, Dunlin, Sanderlings, one Female Smew, Avocets, and many more.
Had a quick drink and headed off - initially for lunch which we had at the Jolly Sailors (Mussels for Trev and me and a rather tasty looking burger for Pete) and then headed off for Sculthorpe... a robin obligingly posed.
A seat reserved for "Old Gits" - read the inscription :D
Aggression from a male Chaffinch
Lesser Redpoll just hanging about
Lont-tailed tit; unusually on its own
And (I think) Red capped fungus?
It's Scarlet Elf Cap.... thanks to Wilma for reminding me of the name :D
The forecast was for grey skies and rain. We had a few grey skies... a minute of a few sprinkles of rain and the rest of the day was sunny intervals.. result :D
Saw about 65 species over all and had a great day in enjoyable company
Ross's Goose Conundrum...
21 hours ago
great outing, Tricia. If I saw that red fungus in these parts, I would call it the scarlet elf cap fungus. Don't know if it the same as what you, though.
Sounds like a great day out with some good bird sightings. Some great photos too Tricia - especially like the spotted redshank.
A great set of shots Tricia.
Titchwell always has some good birds.
Love those Spotted Redshanks.
wilma - you are right. there was even a sign iding it as that.....
great day out eh T
Thanks Wilma... I couldn't remember what it was called.
Caroline... thanks; it was a lovely day more so as the weather was far better than anticipated.
Thanks Keith.. amazing number of birds... and the hides weren't too full either which was good. I was pleased with the spotted redshank too.
Pete... yes.. a great day out despite ... ;)
Sounds like a great time was had by all. Wonderful shots Tricia. I have to say my favorite though is the one of the two "old gits". lol. Beautiful fungus.
I often think the forecasters tell porkies the number of time the general forecast gets it wrong for this part of the country. A grand day out and a magnificent total for the number of species spotted.
Tricia, that looks just my sort of day - great stuff!
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