Was visiting Mum today when I became aware of a very flighty bird in her garden... which I believe to be a Chiffchaff.... the brown legs rule out Willow Warbler.. But is the eye stripe too pronounced for a chiffy?
Any ID help gratefully received please...
(42 Chiffchaffs (together with other species) were seen about 1 mile from her garden two days ago!!)
In the last few days:
It was a very still warm early evening and the aeroplane vapour trails stayed intact for some considerable time..
And a quick visit to the pond near the visitor centre at RSPB Pulborough Brooks produced....
Two Magpies and an Egg
3 hours ago
I wish I could help. Warren at Pittswood could help. He has shots of Chiffchaffs today and they seem to be migrating? We don't have them here in AZ. I like the shots though....and the dragonfly is wonderful.
Looks like it was a lovely evening. I just love the dragons on the water shots. Wonderful!
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