My blog is mostly about wildlife, particularly birds, walking, days out, all growing things and anything else that comes to mind.
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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Daily exercise at Ferring Beach

I was very lucky today - after I'd waited in for sometime for a delivery, I managed to get out for some domestic shopping and then where.....?

The sun was shining and it was warm so I headed for Ferring Beach for a wander.  The tide was just going out and I first spotted this Dragon!!

Lovely view along the beach but there was considerable glare on the wet sand as the water receded

I then noticed this Egret on the shoreline - straight into the sun!!

As the tide went out further I managed to get round to the south side of it where it was a little easier to photograph

and then back along the beach to the car.

This all started as I wanted to go up the (river) Rife to look for the Yellow-browed Warbler - but the beach was too hard to resist.

Got a morning in again tomorrow... and the weather's not that promising... so my walk may be on hold.

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