Unfortunately, it was rather cloudy and dull but it was very pleasant walking around the gardens and, in particular, down through the Pinetum and the wilder area, then back alongside the River Wey.
A couple of Pied Wagtails greeted us on our arrival and the bird song was all around us as we continued our walk. A couple of mallards were asleep beside one of the lakes but, more energetically, Nest Box No. 47 (which is to be found in the wooded area that runs near the A3; which is unfortunate as the traffic noise is overpowering) was being used by a Blue Tit; very busy bringing nesting material into the box. (No pic - wrong lens!)
We walked around the new(ish) Glasshouse which was opened by H.M. The Queen on 26 June 2007. There the colour was really uplifting as the gardens, generally, lack colour at the moment. Having said that, daffodils everywhere giving a cheery wave of their heads in a gentle breeze.
We stopped for a cuppa in one of the many eateries and indulged in a cream tea for elevensies!! So indulgent and decadent, but the day warranted it!
After school my grandson came to visit and we had cake - but, very diplomatically, it had just the one candle!
Not the healthiest diet today but - for one day - who cares?
A bit of colour to brighten up the day. Where I know the names of plants, I have annotated the pictures accordingly - so please don't ask me what the unnamed ones are!
The rockery.

The Trial Beds

Sleeping Mallards

The Wildflower Meadow

Inside the Glasshouse

Lillies - with amazing scent!

Papaya fruit

"Bird of Paradise"
(Strelitzia reginae) A native of South Africa

1 comment:
Georgeous pics!!
It sounds like a great day :D
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