Unfortunately the never-ending virus that has affected so many this winter, has again reared its ugly head as far as I'm concerned. Just as you think "right, that's it, I feel back to normal now", back it comes making you hot and cold with an aching throat and draining all energy.
However, despite this, I did have a walk around Bushey Park and, of course, had to check on the Egyptian Goslings. Still in exactly the same spot and noticeably larger. The first pictures I took on March 1 so they are now 12 days older. Definitely beginning to lose their roundness and getting taller. It will be interesting to observe when it is that they start losing the "pretty" markings and take on the more adult plumage.
On the last couple of visits to Bushey, unusually I hadn't seen any deer at all but today there must have been about a couple of hundred of them. The Red deer stags are now beginning to stick together leaving the hinds and young in their own groups.
The very pretty Fallow bucks and "does" still seem to be sticking together though and it is not unusual to see an almost white Fallow deer.
Called in at the supermarket on the way home and just got in as the rain started.
Garden Visitors.
Great news - today there was a female Brambling visiting. I'd only seen three males up to now so now I know I've had four visiting.
Goslings on Mar 1

and in the same spot today

Red Deer

One of the few Stags still with antlers

Fallow deer

deer? so unfair!
Hugh was asking me about Bushy Park yesterday he wants to photograph the Deer...I hope he sees this post!
The Goslings are very pretty - I must go to Osterley and see if any Egyptians are about.One pair usually nests there.
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