Very happy to report that all four are doing very well. All the usual suspects on the Boating Pond including several Tufted Ducks and Red-crested Pochard. In the wind they were all having a "bad hair day".
Today the Goslings were swimming and I didn't see them on dry land. Also spotted a couple of swans (now there's a change) and a Pied Wagtail landed just in front of me. My Grandson hadn't seen the Goslings - for real - only having seen pictures before. He did admit that they were cute though!
Back in the car it was incredibly warm having been heated by the sun. Not as bad a day for weather as I feared. However, we've just had a hailstorm accompanied by thunder, but at least we are under cover.

Beautiful pictures!
Sounds like a nice walk :)
Thanks Mel :)
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