Some birds were singing, high up in the trees, and me, well I lay there with a cough and a sneeze
Throat burning and head aching, “Oh no” thought I, “I don’t want to feel like this, but I’m not going to cry.”
The first morning cuppa, my mood then improved whilst watching the birds coming in for their food
Boo, looked at me with those eyes all a-shine, her doggy voice, not yet in a whine
“I know what you’re thinking” I told her and smiled “Ok we’ll go out but not many miles”
With a spring in our step, we started on out – “stop pulling” I said, as no way could I shout.
We entered the woods, and now off the leash, she bounded on forward, the day so to greet.
The birds were amazing in the songs that we heard, Robin and Chaffinch, their songs sung for courting; a woodpecker drumming – I do hope it’s not hurting
The greenfinches too were making their mark as we continued our journey around the golf park.
A bit further on, another woodpecker joined in; I don’t know which one was the “her” or the “him”
The Church in the sunlight becoming hidden from view, now that leaves are bursting with Spring colours so true
Swans, ducks and coots swam lazily around whilst we stood and watched with our feet on the ground.

The golfers, out early, were playing their games as we strolled on further, clouds still now in the main.

On leaving our patch and with energy returning, “Let’s go further” I said, now my head has stopped hurting.
From golf course to river, the Ember this time, this flows with the Mole, to the Thames in good time
Swans and coots greet us here and another dog owner who, was enjoying the air, and the morning too.
Fishermen fishing who seemed unaware, of the birdsong around us, as we continued through here.

Walking back home, the colours we saw, confirmed that Spring is coming - in through the door
The daffs are shining, bright gold in the sun; the anemones sparkle, faces turned to the sun
The scent that assails us is from hyacinths blue, and the blossom on trees, what a wonderful hue.

Natures’ gifts were around us and gave us such cheer, with bird song and scents and colour – all here.

And out in the garden, our walk is now done; a short walk I know, but one which was fun!
1 comment:
very poetic!!
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