A trip into Richmond Park today - to see if there was any deer activity - (not much but a huge herd of Fallow deer and a smaller one of Red) and to enjoy any autumn colour.
In Richmond Park there is a fenced off (no deer!) garden - the Isabella Plantation. Today the Autumn colour was evident, but it's really at its best in the spring when the azaleas and rhododendrons are in bloom.
Having entered the Isabella Plantation I walked up to the top pond where the trees were reflected in the water.
Lichen growing on an old tree stump
Around one of the other ponds
The Stepping stones, the pond and..
And just for a change (!) a few deer pictures:
Resting in the afternoon sun
Something caught the attention of these Hinds..
Stag and his hinds
Mother and youngster. The younster was trying to suckle but Mum wasn't having any of it!
13 hours ago
Beautiful autumnal post.....very relaxing.....great time tku......
Glad you enjoyed it Cheryl
Beautiful photos! I'm just back from an early morning walk around the bay. Such a different environment from the one you describe - but it is so enjoyable to experience yours as well through your photos and descriptions.
You are really getting some wonderful shots of the deer. A joy to look at. I do love old tree stumps with lichen. Lovely pictures all.
Mick - thanks. It's so strange to hear tht you'd just got back from an early morning walk - when here in the UK it was 22.30 and I was just going to bed!
OC - thanks again. I love this time of the year when there's so much wildlife action and all the marvellous lichen and fungi!
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