Missed a couple of days updating my blog. Home is chaos as the kitchen is being "refurbished". This means that since Tuesday I've lacked: cooking facilities, running water, no waste pipe and no sink. I'm currently "camping" in the dining room with, amongst other items, a green plastic garden table which has become the working area, kitchen style. Thank goodness for a microwave; however, it will be good to use the new oven (which was the single reason for all this work). After 22 years the old one gave up. These youngsters have no staying power!
It's amazing how much you take for granted. You always know where the kettle is, the sink is, where the crockery and cutlery are. I suppose this is like a luxury form of camping; but at least the bathroom's fully functional!
Hopefully, by close of play tomorrow (Friday) stage 1 of the developments will be completed and, for a couple of weeks, I'll be able to move back into the kitchen. Looking forward to being able to use a dishwasher for the first time! It's all A-rated in terms of being environmentally friendly - so pleased about that!
I'm also looking after my grandson this week - which is great. A ten-year-old with a great personality and wicked sense of humour. One day I might even tell you his nickname for me. One day.... when I'm feeling very brave..... This also involves the "school run"; and whilst I know he would rather go to School on his own, unfortunately the distance is too far and no public transport!
I seem to have spent more time indoors because of the foregoing and the weather, than is natural. I long for open spaces; sun and taking pictures! I know I'm getting withdrawal symptons.
Waxing, Not Waning
1 day ago
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