As the day dawned and got lighter that strange bright ball in the sky decided not to be shy and shone brilliantly.
OK, thought I, I'm off to Richmond Park for birds and pics. Got there about 10.30 ish together with the rest of the world! I've never seen it so busy for this time of the year.
Loads of folks just enjoying being out. Families, walkers with their dogs, riders, both on horseback and two wheels. The latter being men of all ages, bonded in Lycra! All car parks being full (at least the three that I needed), I decided not to add to my carbon footprint and head off elsewhere. So, being nearby, I headed off to Ham and the River.
I'd taken a picture from the car park back in October with my old lens so decided to go for a comparative shot. I hoped I was standing in more-or-less the same place and the following two pictures demonstrate that I wasn't far out.
So manual settings decided I pressed the shutter button. Nothing happened. Tried again, still nothing. Checked battery meter - all OK. Then checked the display "No CF card". Oh bother, thought I, it's still in the PC back at the ranch. So pleased I always carry a spare with me.
My standard CF card is a Lexar 1gb that writes at a speed of 80x. My spare is a Jessops - don't know what speed it writes at but it's noticeably slower than the Lexar. Like watching paint dry!
Pic 1 was taken with a 28 - 80 lens

Pic 2 - was taken with an 18 - 50 lens - so much more in the picture!

that wider angle is helpful isn't it
wow so much more!
Pete - yes very helpful. I love it and don't know how I managed without it
C - yes, very much more
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