In the birding arena, I had a visit from a Ring-necked Parakeet today; nothing odd in that as I get them all the time. Except this one was pale blue. I managed to get a record shot, and I'm not being modest. Very poor light and the bird and feeder swinging madly in the wind - ideal for pictures!! It also appears to have a blue ring on it's left leg so I've e-mailed a bird-ringer I know for his input.
We did get a quick sunburst yesterday, so was playing with the macro lens around the garden - thought a bit of colour was necessary to brighten up a dull day today.
It's BLUE! (I haven't edited either of these two pictures at all)

as opposed to the more usual Green

This, I'm pretty sure is a Blue-tailed Damselfly
(unless anyone can tell me differently)

as opposed this one from the other day which I
agree with Pete in thinking it's an


A Bird's eye view of Digitalis

mebbe worth reporting that. odd aren't they
Interesting re:blue parakeet!
I think we've had the best of the weather up here... Mixed, started out blue skies and now has dull moments mixed with sunshine. No rain so far.
I've had to water everything as they're looking so sad! We've not had a proper shower for a couple of weeks, just the odd drop or two and that's it!
Pete - I now know that it was ringed by the visiting ringer I had in the garden earlier in the year.
Liz - think I'm coming up your way then :) I've just had to take all my pots out of the saucers they were standing in.
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