It gives me a feeling of restlessness and a promise of things to come
The early spring flowers give way to the those of late spring and soon the summer blooms will delight us with a blaze of colour
The sun with its warmth throws its cloak around us to banish the blues of winter now gone
Young deer from last year are now growing we see and their mothers and fathers will soon have their new young
Around the pond water the early damselflies are seen their glorious colours aglow with the sun
The blue tits are calling, to their mates and their young and the caterpillars are hiding high up in the Oaks
The bees buzz around as they visit each flower; such promises of sweet honey for us to enjoy
As I walk in the gardens and in the parks nearby, the song of the birds fills my ears; oh what music sublime
Around in my garden as the day now dawns, the birds’ choral notes delight me; each song having its own special charm
The scent of the flowers is what I enjoy; and some which evoke thoughts of happy past times
My children were born as the summer began so for me this time is so special, as they indeed are, in the joy that they give me, as their proud mum.
And years later, again near this time of the year, a grandson gave voice to this world, and had then, and for always, a special place in my life
I still learn from my mother, as most of us do and she, now older, is still young at heart. A very special lady and one who I hold dear
My (late) Dad once said “you can’t choose your family but you can choose your friends” but in my case, I would have made that choice as friends they are indeed.
And of friends unrelated by blood? Yes – all my friends, some old and some new, enrich my life by just being you.
I’m not rich or indeed famous but what do I care? I don’t – and don’t want to be in a material way.
My life then? Undoubtedly rich and enriched.
What prompted me to write this? Heaven only knows – but having got started it’s now time to end .... on a musical note. This is someone’s music I enjoyed and still do. John Denver – sadly no longer with us – was a lover of the natural world and many of his songs reflect this passion.
And to all my dear readers, if you managed to stay here until I ended my ramblings,
Thank you.
Footnote: This is so unlike me to “publish” thoughts of this nature that I hesitate to press the “publish” button but......... here goes!
Read You Fill Up My Senses lyrics
Just after I'd published this post, I went out into the garden and saw three pairs of these:

What lovely sentiments, so well written, you should have that piece published Tricia. It's my favourite time and month of the year too, I love May so much.
Thanks Jan - thought I'd gone a bit OTT!
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