I'd decided to set off reasonably early in the hope that the light wouldn't be too bright for taking pictures. Should have got their a little earlier.
A jackdaw was searching for nesting material, some mallards flew past and cormorants were sunning themselves on one of the islands. On the same island were the growing Egyptian Geese goslings - now just smaller versions of Mum and Dad.
A family of Mum, Dad and eight cygnets were swimming lazily around. Mum then decided she wanted her family to leave one pond, cross the footpath and go onto the next pond. Unfortunately she chose a very steep part of the bank and, although they tried really hard, only one cygnet made it. Mum then decided enough was enough and went back into the water leaving the single cygnet no other choice but to jump back in and rejoin it's family - and after all that effort to get out in the first place!
A large herd of fallow deer were having a wander and a smaller group of red deer were also around. The stags are now growing their new antlers which are covered in "velvet".

This coot had swum across with a thick branch
and was probably quite relieved to drop onto the nest

so she had a preen whilst drawing breath.

The fly past...

Young coots waiting for Mum

These three were enjoying the sun

and the youngster decided to have a wing stretch

whilst an adult had a preen

prior to flying off

A parent Egyptian goose with two of the, now, almost
adult-sized goslings

A flotilla of cynets (8 in all)

with a proud Mum and Dad

"OK children, this is where we get out, up the
bank to the right..."

"Come on up, it's not that hard..."

"Not that hard?" "Will we ever get to the top?"

"I made it!"

"Oh no, now I've got to jump back in 'cause no-one
else had the strength to get out"

Velvety new antlers

Fallow deer amble in the sun

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