On Marney's Pond were a family of 8 Mallard chicks and two families of Moorhens. The pair of Mute Swans were nowhere to be seen so perhaps they've gone elsewhere to raise a family.
Care had to be taken crossing the golf course as the usual Sunday golfers were about!
After four days (a longer than usual stay), my charges then returned home and my grandson was very pleased to see his Mum - and she him.
A very domestic day today, the dreaded "H" word but the house looks better for it. I had intended to cut the grass and do some gardening, but the sky got rather overcast and looked like rain so I just pottered instead.
Then I got the camera out. The large Rhododendron (which is in excess of 22 years' old) has just come into flower and is looking great. The Irises in the pond are a wonderful blue/purple colour - I just wish they could stay that way.
The Jay is still visiting the peanut feeder; I think it must have young not too far away as s/he makes several visits during the day.
Five pairs of Large Red Damselflies frequent the pond and one posed nicely for a picture. I was using the Macro lens hand held; so reasonably pleased with the outcome.

Large Red Damselfly (I believe it's a female?)

The tadpoles in the pond are getting bigger.

Alliums are at there best now

..and the bees love them

Pond Irises

In the greenhouse, Pelargonium Chocolate!

Not quite fully out but colourful nonetheless

An early flowering Clematis.

Nice, I love Alliums, especially the Christophiis!
One of my most favourite photos I've taken was an allium Christophii: http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/fs21/300W/i/2007/261/0/9/Silver_Star_by_Wysseri.jpg
I'm just waiting for my garden to come into bloom, lots of work but so worth it!
I have been sneaking a peak for a while now ;)
Caught me on a good day
take care
Hi ST - good to see you here and thanks for "peaking" :)
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