I think it's probably a darter but an ID would be very welcome.

Then walking with my grandson and the dog on Esher Common (around Black Pond) on Friday, J spotted this - which I'm sure is a Black-tailed Skimmer. Needless to say, I didn't have the 400 lens so this was taken with a Canon 70-300 IS lens - but not too bad for that!

Then, as we were walking away from the pond, a deer came leaping across ahead of us - I'm sure this must be a Sika deer; it was the right size but I need to research this before I can be sure. In all the time I've been walking here, I've never seen one before - so very pleased with that spot!

No idear what they are called, but well done for capturing them..
commpon darter I think and BT Skimmer.
Sigma 70-300?
Pete - I believe common Darter too.
Ooops - Canon lens - post duly amended - ta!
Wow, great shots of the skimmer.
Tom and OC - thanks for popping in :)
Your first Dragonfly is a Common Darter and your second is an immature male Broad-bodied Chaser
Paul Ritchie
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