Today was my grandson's end of term assembly so I went with my daughter to share in this. At intervals around the room, various quotations were displayed - regrettably with no indication as to their origins or authors. But one caught my eye - and this is it
If you keep waiting for just the right time, you may never begin.I rather like this philosophy.... Certainly, when I look back, there have been times when I should have "begun......"
Begin now! Begin with where you are, with what you are.
Having then spent some time with my daughter (which was great), I went for a wander over Esher Common still on the hunt for the Brilliant Emerald Dragonfly. Didn't see any, but really the wrong time of day.
The sun was shining and filtering through the trees creating wonderful patterns on the ground. As I started my walk amongst the tall, tall conifers a Nuthatch proclaimed it's presence by singing from the tree tops. Next to demand attention, a young Robin darted across the path in front of me - pip pipping its alarm call as it went. A Green Woodpecker "yaffled" to let me know it was around, and eventually I came to the water which is Middle Pond.
There's something about the qualities and ambience of water that always has fascinated me and today was no exception. Mostly still, but for a gentle breeze that occasionally and almost imperceptibly moved the water's surface, the trees and plants doubled their appearance by their reflections.
Such a shame about the horrendous and constant drone of main-road traffic!! Hard to believe from the following pictures...

Out of the woods now and onto open Heathland where
the bees buzzed contentedly gathering pollen

from wild flowers and abundant heather.

I love the quote...have not read that before.
You are right, the photographs give the impression of complete and utter silence....
Sunshine - at last!! What do you think has the summer finally decided to get started?
I like the 'drowned' trees pictures a lot, - very bizarre.
I'm glad you had a lovely day, it's been wonderful here.
It's a shame I've had a splitting headache all day and only after I pumped myself full of paracetamol did it finally go sometime after 7pm.
Had a lovely evening sat out in the garden though, shame my eye was popping out of my skull hahahaha
Yes, it is lovely to see the sun at last, it's been beautiful down here, walking has been best early morning or evening to keep cool (Wrecks is a bit hairy for this heat!)
That little saying is good, I have never heard it before
I do like that quote. It certainly applies to me. I have had things in mind to do but keep waiting for the right time and the right time never seems to come. I love the pictures of the wood, just wonderful.
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