(Photographic notes: Pictures of Jays, Robin, Squirrel, Parakeets all shot with Nikon D70 and Sigma 50-500mm lens (no IS). House martins: Canon 20D with Canon 100-400 mm IS lens)
I've often had Jays (up to 8 at a time) visiting my garden and, in particular, the Oak Trees in the neighbouring gardens, but this year for the first time, I've had two youngsters visiting - well pleased!

And equally pleased at my young Robin visitor.

I was fascinated the other morning, that an imported Grey Squirrel, who started off sitting happily in the Eucalyptus tree, became much intimidated by another import, this time a feathered one a Ring-necked Parakeet.

Now I must say that the RNP was doing no more that sitting on a higher branch in the same tree, and simply looking at the Grey Squirrel.

Having run to the other end of the branch and noticed the RNP, the tail started to curl over it's back and ..


until it covered the whole of the Squirrel's back

BUT TODAY, in a much more stately house than mine, there were three House Martin nests occupied. The families consisted of three, two and one youngsters. The one on its own was only four days old and being fed very regularly - if anything it's going to be too heavy to fly!!

And the three youngsters
Not visible as a parent leaves for more food.

Soon decided it's about time for another snack

and an obliging parent flies in with something tasty.

Just a pity that the nest was so high up and in a very dark area of the archway - but pleased to have got the pictures of the babies and their parents.
LOL LOL At the squirrel, what did he think? "I'll hide myself under my tail so you can't see me anymore?" LOL LOL LOL
The Jay is beautiful, I find it impossible to take a picture of one of them, there are so skittish at least the ones who visit - very rarely - my garden! LOL LOL
more stately??
had no idea your Oak is ballet equipment; but perhaps a Squirrel does not to have its bar closer to the ground?
I presume it is preparing for Bejing?
The House Martins are adorable, well done there!
Lovely post....I love the squirrel and the jay....so amusing.
How many young can you get in a nest.....it's a wonder one or two don't fall out.....they are beautiful...
Carin - yes I believe the Squirrel thought s/he was hidden!
Pete - yes - hard to believe isn't it!
Yoke - think you might be right about Bejing
Cheryl - thanks - I'm amazed they don't fall out too!
Jays skittish? The one I nearly ran over this afternoon was anything but. I had to brake fairly hard to avoid hitting it.
Great photos, I especially like the house martins.
Excellent set of pictures, the young Robin was a beauty.. and well done with the Jay... harder to catch than many.
I love House Martins, we have them here where I live. The nests are on my neighbour's home opposite to me so I do get to see them flying up to their nests and see the youngsters peeping out.
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