I had had other plans for today originally, but in the end I went to the cinema with my daughter and grandson to see Kung Foo Panda.
Now this is definitely aimed at children although some of the humour would have been lost on those young ears. However, it was entertaining, funny in places and the graphics were amazing!
That aside, herewith yesterday's little flock of 12!

Gosh how amazing....my brother gets them in his garden in Bromley......they are pretty birds.....
Looks like a right party for the paras!
Would you rather they weren't in your garden Tricia?
Liz - in the main I don't mind them. However, at this time of the year they can become a real pain!!! It's the numbers of them and the noise. Starlings are quite muted by comparison.
Cheryl - Bromley's not that far from me - South East England has go most of them!
Hi Tricia,
I had no idea of the numbers of these... I though that a few pair were holding on.. but after checking on Google it seems these are here to stay and spreading. I'm not sure on stuff like this, it reminds me of the GHrey Squrrles, I like seeing them about but would rather see our native red.. and then we have mink now running amock on our rivers and canals... it is sure nice seeing them but not the destruction of around ten geese which I have come across.
Glad to read that you like Dr Who. Yes I got my tissues out, it was a sad ending, poor Dr Who, all on his own again.
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