I hadn't been to my local patch (Bushey Park) since before my holidays so grabbed camera and headed off.
As I drove into the park, swifts were swooping over the Diana Fountain pond and across the entry road; so low that, as they swept in front of the car, they were at my eye level.
Walked around the main pond (known as the Boating Pond). House Martins and more Swifts everywhere, probably making a meal from the insects - there in plenty no doubt as a result of the rain. Various birdies about including the usual Grey Heron and posing Cormorant - coots everywhere, and, a new batch of 8 Egyptian Geese Goslings. Other youngsters about too; young Fallow Bucks growing this year's antlers; Mandarin Ducks in the Woodland Gardens - the males going into eclipse. Another appearance of the Cape Teal and Grey Squirrels scampering about.
At least in Bushey Park there are so many wide-spreading trees that you can shelter from the rain.
Later on I went to Claremont Gardens to see what was about. A couple of Chiloe Wigeon (captive), one of the Black Swans (captive) but about 25 Greylag Geese and the inevitable Canada Geese. I only managed a few pics before the heavens opened; consequently I took this as a sign and decided to call it quits for the day.
And now as I type this - thunder, lightening and torrential rain. Is it really summer?
I have had several attempts to publish my post today. More thunder storms and, under these circumstances, I lose my internet connection - this is sooo annoying!!
Young Egyptians

One of the regular Cormorants posing..

and this Grey Heron was occupying a Coot's nest!

Don't think Black-headed Gulls can read?

A rather scruffy young Jackdaw

and two quarrelling elders!

And in the Woodland Gardens
a male Mandarin Duck

the pretty female.

a pair of Mute Swans

Love 'em or hate 'em, they do pose for the camera so well

Out into the main park again and back to the car...
Fallow Bucks grazing.

Now, does my new grass hat suit me this way? or

is this one better?

ah - life's a breeze!

Wonder what that is up there?

And to conclude, a couple from Claremont Landscape Gardens

I am not a squirrel person but those photographs are so effective.
The deer and your hat comments made me smile...
Beautiful photography and lovely post....
I love squirrels! They always make me smile. I have not yet seen a grey squirrel 'live', but they do look very nice! Very good capture Tricia.
I am not really a water-bird friend, maybe because sofar I have not took the trouble and watch them, but those Egyptian gooslings are just adorable!
What a wonderful day for you, despite the weather, thanks for taking us along.
deer and squirrel are good
Beautiful pictures Tricia. Those baby Egyptians are lovely.
I'm sick of this weather too, rain rain and more rain, and such a chill in the air too. Had to light my open fire last night, it was 18c in my living room, way too cold for me to sit comfortably. I've now put my night storage heaters back on, never had to do that in July in the 7 years I've lived here. Suicidal. :o(
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