So what today then?
When seeking an opinion about yesterday's swan pictures, it was pointed out to me, with great diplomacy, that they were overexposed! Now that is really annoying! Not that it was pointed out to me, but that the statement is correct - they are over exposed.
So that got me around to playing with the exposure, levels etc. to a greater extent than I would normally. And I decided to get creative. Some of you may like them, some of you may not like them at all.... Conjuring with pictures is a very personal view....

The swan photos are lovely...although I thought they looked OK before as well! We take swans for granted because they are so common but they very beautiful. BW Goosey
Excellent pictures and once again a great posting
Goosey - thanks; they were rather overexposed unfortunately but glad you like them.
Thanks Tom :)
Hi Tricia
The pictures of the swans are lovely.
I recognise the Swan detail difficulty, Tricia and it is a pity they were over exposed. Yet I'm sure they'll be different next time. Could it be that you're still getting used to Shutter priority instead of Aperture priority{my preference too}?
I still cannot take pics in Shutter P. without over exposure.
Great post.
love the reflections
Great dramatic white swans on black background, you're not doing too much wrong in my mind
Tom, ST, OC, Lynmiranda and Border - thanks... much appreciate.
Yoke - I usually use AV (aperture priority)- but the white/black syndrome often catches me out!
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