Again a day of parts, all relatively brief.
I set off as early as was able for a walk up to Cissbury Ring. Today the car park hosted only sensible 'parkers' so it was safe to part and climb upwards.
The view as I climbed.
as I walked upwards the birdsong was amazing...
the light was really odd and not good today; it seemed bright but was very glary and hazy.
Cowslips in the morning dew.
As I climbed, a walker coming down gave me the heads up of yellowhammers.... and she was quite correct!
Not the best shots.... but miles in the distance against the light!
No idea what this is... if anyone reading this has, I'd be grateful to know what it is...
and more yellowhammers..
Rape fields in the distance.
Cissbury Ring (a National Trust property) is an ancient hill fort over 500 years old and the biggest in Sussex.
I thought this might be a common Whitethroat... but not certain?!!
and on the way down..
Then took Mum out for a drive bluebell hunting!
Got back to find two very young blackbirds being fed by Dad, in the back garden.
I then went for a short visit to Warnham again. Six Great Crested Grebes out on the lake, with one of the 3 pairs definitely nesting!
In a small pond near the visitor centre, a newt wouldn't come out for a photocall.
Lots of water snails.....
Two common terns this time, I've seen 3 recently.
And, finally, a family of mallard Ducks...
Dad was having a bath...
I'd thought initially, (when I was there) there were 9 ducklings, now I believe I can get 10 of them!
Mum just wouldn't pose today.
and with that, I headed off back to the ranch and Mum.
Waxing, Not Waning
1 day ago
Hi Tricia, your mystery bird.
I think its a first year female Wheatear.
Hi Roy... many thanks for the ID.. you and one other think the same... although they didn't go as far as 'first year' so thanks again :)
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