I didn't realise till I arrived at Sheffield Park, thinking I was early for it to be open, to discover for a few weeks, it in fact opens 1/2 hour earlier than usual.
However, I was lucky and still got for a wander before it became too busy.. it's a very popular time of the year with the Autumn colour - albeit just at the initial stages at the moment!
Every time I come here I always say to myself that I'm not going to take so many pictures, but given the gardens are so beautiful, especially on a sunny day with no wind, I never keep to that.
A Morning moon!
Some of the Canadian Forces were station here during WW2.. and this is a tribute to our soldiers and the Canadian forces as well.
A recreation of one of the many Nissan Huts that were here at Sheffield Park during the war.
This placard talks about Peter Richardson's father being in charge of small arms in the Home Guard with reference to the help given him by the Canadian soldiers.
My own father was in the Canadian Forces and came here in the early 1940s where he met and married my mother and the rest, as they say, is history. However, he was stationed at Betchworth in Surrey and not here at Sheffield Park. Sadly he lost his life in Italy when I was just a few months old... so I never met my father.. and very much wish I had done!!
My maternal Grandfather was also a small arms instructor in the Home Guard - albeit not at Sheffield Park. Sadly he lost his life as a result of a weapon malfunction whilst he was using it
So it was quite a poignant moment for me as I entered the Nissan hut today.. brought back a few memories ..
When we got to the cafe.. shock, horror, the fruit scone basket was empty.. albeit cheese were available. But phew.... when I asked at the counter, a tray of fresh scones were produced.. panic over!
I've always been intrigued by the house (seen in my earlier pictures) here at Sheffield Park and would love to see inside it. It's mostly apartments now.. The huge stained-glass window at the right-hand end of the building fascinates me as to its history.
On the entrance gate to the house, which is private property, it has this notice.
And on the way home, I popped into Warnham Nature Reserve - the light had gone my now being very overcast and dull... so I had a wander and a long chat with a friend..
The sheep are back for the winter..
This pair of Great Crested Grebes thought it was Spring.. a lot of head waggling... no weed dance though :)
A lovely day out with some memories and thoughts!!
Girls Day Out
1 day ago