Today - I gave my daughter a lift into town at a reasonably early hour so where to now? Weather was dreadful but the thought of being indoors all day, was not appealing!
I debated Wisley again to track down Fieldfares and Redwings but decided against it; it's a weekend and probably too many people about - they're shy enough birds as it is.
So I went off to Barnes (London Wetland Centre). Not only were there very few people about, but there were very few birds as well. The highlight (no pictures) was a small group of Goldcrests flitting through some silver birch trees. I was advised that there had been some Siskins but they were not there by the time I arrived.
Most of the usual were out on the water. Lots of Teals today, Gadwall, Shovelers, Cormorants, Grey Herons etc. etc.
Light was diabolical - I think it's called "daylight" but the jury's still out on that one!
Just a few pics:
Collection bird - but I don't know what! But I do like it's colours
Grey Squirrel having a snack..
(Male) Teal
whilst you are shopping i'll have this
Pete, in the interests of decorum and sobriety, I shall refrain from further comment :D
Good collection of bird photos - and of course I love the squirrel because we don't have them! Sorry for your terrible weather - just to contrast :-) today is clear and sunny and I'm off for a kayak!!
Lol Mick - I shall think of you kayaking - with a little bit of envy!
Christmas Shopping! hahaha
I went into the centre last Sunday, and we could see no sign of the credit crunch in John Lewis!
Although other areas of the city with 'lower class' shops did seem to be very quiet. Lead me to believe it's hitting the poorer people more than any others. Was very interesting to see. I was all set to brave Argos because it's not usually the nicest shop to be in and it was deathly quiet.
(bought my parents a new 3second boiling kettle thingy)
Lovely photos Tricia, your collection duck is certainly very pretty!
Can't help with the ID on the birds but they sure are nice looking. Look to look at your pictures since you have so many different types of birds.
Richard - thanks. One of the great things about blogging is that we get to see birds from all over the world. Presented by fellow bloggers in the way that each blogger sees them.
For me, that's what's so great about birding/wildlife blogs and bloggers :)
Liz - I know what you mean about the quietness in the shops. I was in our main town on Friday morning and couldn't believe the lack of people - especially with the run up to Christmas now under way.
It was staggering to see how many high street chains had 10% or 20% discounts on all store items.
Scary in my view!!
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