Over the last couple of days, the sun has shone... think I need to get new specs...
I've been over to Barnes (London Wetland Centre) and also to Painshill Park.
At Barnes...
Teal dozing!

Great Crested Grebe in all its breeding splendour

A flock of Goldfinch were feeding on the blossom... but wouldn't come out into the open for a photocall!

In the sun, a female Chaffinch enjoyed the warmth

Some of the "collection" birds were bathing..
Female Hooded Merganser

Male Hooded Merganser

and buds, they were a-bursting open :D

today, a Great Crested Grebe caught a Perch (?)

and a Shoveler shook off the water.

We watched 4 Snipe and 1 Jack Snipe out on the Waderscrape.. pity they were so far away!

A Great Tit paused for a while amongst the buds

and oh, was the blossum such a welcome sight

Painshill Park and the Greylags were in flight mode
(one day I'll get them coming towards me..)

and, much to my surprise, the Goosanders are still about. About 16 in total in two groups. In this group of 8, there was only 1 male!

And just as I was adjusting the camera settings, they decided to leave!

In the walled garden and a sheltered enclosure, flowers glowed in the sunlight

And a carpet of daffodils underneath the trees

and the forecast... it's not going to last!
Lovely, Tricia. I am especially enjoying your post as yet another winter storm with up to 5 inches of snow is descending on us. :-( But your photos give me hope to hang in there because spring will surely come this way too. I can't pick a favorite, but I do love the riotous daffodils, the pensive great grebe, the goosanders taking off, and all the flowers.
Wilma - thank you, and so sorry to hear of your storms and snow... brrrrrrr
and I'm glad I can give you a bit of colour to help you towards Spring starting over on your side of the water! Hopefully it won't be toooo long in coming now :)
Nice set of variattion shots of birds.
My favourites Tricia are your flower shot's the 1st one with the way you have caught the light on the lone flower is a real eye catcher!
The rest with the sun/shadows catchment well for me superb.
Then to finish off with the carpet of Daff's well thought out.
Beautiful pictures Tricia, the sun makes such a difference.
The Great Crested Grebes are looking stunning in their plumage now; such beauties.
Interesting about the Goosanders. The only ones I see now are the females. I wonder where the males go?
And that Anemone is a beauty.
The flowers and bees are wonderful to see. Lucky you!
Lovely shots!
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