And today I wish my son:
A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY - xx He's staying up with me for a couple of days so he can go out celebrating with his sister and friends - whilst my grandson and I have an evening together.
I travelled back home today leaving Devon in thick mist. Such changeable conditions - at the top of the hills we were shrouded in mist or low lying cloud and then, having descended, back into brilliant sunshine.
The journey was very slow along the A31 (as it often is) but many of our "slow" bits were caused by drives who were reluctant to do more than about 25 miles per hour in a 50 mph limit - and these were main roads!! Hey ho - patience is a virtue.
Finally got home to find things in the house and garden not as I would have wished, but that's not a story for my blog!!
I looked out at my "feeding area" and was delighted to see:
7 Great Tits - several were young
3 - Blue Tites
1 - Green Finch
1 - Ring-necked Parakeet and
1 - Nuthatch - who arrived just before I left for my hols and is still around.
and all these delightful visitors at the same time!
No pics today - not easy when driving a car up main roads and motor ways.
Half a Rock
8 hours ago
Thanks for calling at my blog....have just read your post and will visit again to see what you are up to...
Good to hear that you have so many birds in your garden.
Glad you have had such a nice holiday and what a nice surprise to see all those birds on your return...and a Nuthatch. Do you always have Ring Necked Parakeet's and if so do they pinch all the bird food? BW Goosey
Oh dear, what happened with your house/garden? Of course it's an issue for your blog! lol that's what blogs are here for :)
Not at all jealous of the Nuthatch :(
If only...
Hi Goosey - I get several Parakeets in the garden - they do visit the feeders but eat very slowly - thankfully!!
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