We headed off for Abbotsbury Swannery and Sub-tropical Gardens, and once of the A road, the B road had some amazing views out to sea and of long golden beaches. The village of Abbotsbury is quintessentially so English and very pretty. Great stuff!
So the morning was spent watching Swans and swans being fed at lunchtime, and then off to the sub-tropical gardens in the afternoon.
What amazed me today was, that because Mum qualifies as being disabled, not only does this allow us to park closer to the entrance (and thus avoiding very rough ground with a wheelchair), but today we were only charged 1 entrance fee as I was considered to be the carer. Why did this make me feel guilty? OK, I do have this role but.... Also, the visitors in both the swannery and gardens were so considerate in offering help - when I encountered steps and hills. There are some very kind people about.
Enough rambling, herewith some of the pictures of today's outing

Sub-tropical gardens

last swan in flight is superb
Hi Tricia,
Where is the sub-tropical garden that you went to?
Lynmiranda - here's a link. It's in Abbotsbury (nr Bridport in Dorset)
Lovely photos, it looks like you had a great time!
Once when we went to the Highland Wildlife park up in, well, the highlands, my mum got in as a carer because my nan is registered blind (blind in one eye that is) and my grandad is deaf...
The guy at the gate asked if mum was their carer, and she declined, he pushed her though and also classed even making cups of tea and such as being a carer.
I think we got in for the price of my student ticket! Although quite why I couldn't have been the carer for the other grandparent I'm not sure :P
It does seem odd though, as you'd think they'd be desperate to get money in rather than trying to get you in as cheap as possible?
What are the flowers?
Sounds like a user friendly place!
C - the pink flowers are a rambling rose; the single blue flower is an Agapanthas; the lily in the pond is - a water lily and the remainder - sorry no idea!
Tricia, what is that little bird on the branch and the very colourful bird in the picture underneath. Fabulous photos btw.
Hi OC - the bird on the branch is a Kookaburro (Australian) which was in a aviary. And the other is a Golden Pheasant (originally from China) they are now breeding in the UK and there was a pair wandering about the gardens.
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