Most of what I saw was either having (for them) a late breakfast or undertaking their morning ablutions.

Think this blue tit must be a dad by the state of his feathers.

Young Blue and Great Tits - don't think they're speaking!

The brilliance of the male Greenfinch

and a couple of Goldfinches enjoy a meal

The starling prefers peanuts whilst showing of the colours of it's feathers

and Mr. Woody dropped by - nice to see him again

A Wood Pigeon sat surveying it's world

before having a preen.

Whilst some rather soggy Parakeets spruced themselves up a bit

and the pond Lily has come into flower

And all this whilst having my first cuppa and watching the garden.
As I have said before...nice nature reserve you have there!
I think that rain woke everyone up!
Lovely day for pics I would think today...but I have to get keys cut, sort out what I need for Espana and
stock up on the pet food!
Isn't it wonderful when you can sit in your garden and take great pictures like these.
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