These are all different birds sitting in the same tree at the same time.

Not long after that, I had a furry visitor and by the looks of it - a young one. It didn't like the strong morning sun in it's eyes either.

As I've had a doggie passenger in the car a lot recently, I decided that, now I'm not on dog watch for a while, I would clean out the inside of the car. This I did and whilst I was in a "cleaning" mood (doesn't happen very often!) I gave my bicycle a clean too.
After all that hard work and, given the sun was shining, I decided that I would have a cycle around the local area. Not far from my house and away from the "main" area is a small industrial estate at the end of a "dead end" road. It's a "dead end" only for motorists though, as a pathway leads you to the River Ember which eventually finds its way into the River Thames. You start out by crossing a bridge, and then a wooded footpath leads you to the weir. To the side of the weir is also a railway bridge. I was amazed at the wildlife I found this afternoon:
In addition to the usual Blue Tits, Blackbirds etc., I saw Mute Swans, two pairs of Great-crested Grebes, Cormorants, Coots, a very few Mallards, House Martins wheeling about the river catching a meal, and, a Tern! I don't know whether it was Common or Arctic and try as I might, I could only get a record shot (I hadn't got my binocs with me! doh). Many damsel and dragonflies flitting about the river's edge and along the banks studded with wild flowers - including some roses. One of note was a Banded Demoiselle (two of them) which was a nice surprise (no picture though)
In addition to all this I heard, but could not find, what I'm sure were (from the noise!) Marsh frogs. I'll have to go back soon with my binocs, but I think they were in the river close to the edge of a very steep downward bank - one which I went down so far, but no further. I wasn't about to join them IN the river!
My trusty steed!

Tunnels under the railway bridge

Water gushing through the first (small) weir

and a sideways view

The main weir

and further around, the railway bridge

looking downstream from the weir

Cormorants enjoying the sun

On the far banks some horses and donkeys

a bit of Flora

This is as far as I could go without having to lift my bike over a style!

A Tern flies along the river, but not choosing a very pretty background

and away up the river

Looking at the weir from further downstream

A couple of Mute Swans with a Great-crested Grebe very far in the background

Flying Cormorant

and finally, why is it that the best shot I managed, I also managed
to cut off one of its wings!

love the fox
I can't quite get my head around the fact that you have parakeets there. They're gorgeous. The fox is beautiful.
Like the close up water pictures....
OC - neither can I, and I've had over 20 years to get used to the idea :)
Border - thanks - there's something about water - especially close too.
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