There were amazingly few birds about; masses of coots with young, tufted ducks, ruddy ducks, swans and cygnets, a young heron, a lapwing with one youngster, a Little Grebe on a nest (hiding in the rushes) and a Great Crested Grebe out on the water. A couple of terns in among the numerous black-headed gulls - adult and young.
Damsel and Dragonflies were flitting about and a large flock of Long-tailed tits were passing through the trees. Up on the cafe roof a Pied Wagtail sat spying out it's next feed of dropped crumbs from the diners.
At the end of the day, just as we were about to leave, we heard that four Black-tailed Godwits had just arrived and were out on the water scrape. This was an opportunity too good to miss, so we retraced our steps and there they were. Lovely to see all four of them together and delighted they arrived before we left! Regrettably my pics are no more than record shots but I'm sure Pete will have some better ones.
A lovely day in some very welcome warm sunshine, a gentle breeze, a happy ending - and great company :D.
Young Coot

Young Heron

Tufted Duck

Young Pochard

Young Tufted Ducks

Blue Tit - given the state of its feathers I would think
this was a Dad!

Pied Wagtail

Black-tailed Godwits

lovely day ta
Beautiful post.....I love the heron photograph. I see quite a few here but never seem to be able to capture them.
I also love the blue tit Dad....there are many in my garden at the moment looking the worse for wear.
Great pictures once again. Sounds like you had a great day.
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