I should explain that our holiday accommodation is in (mainly) the top half of a converted Victorian brick-built barn with amazing views across fields. My room is downstairs so I go upstairs to the kitchen, sitting room and dining area etc.
Today when I awoke at 6 ish and looked out the window what did I see? Grey skies and wet stuff falling from the clouds. An auspicious start to the holiday week. However, when I went upstairs for that necessary cuppa and stepped out on the balcony, the site of about 12 Swallows swooping around at head height and dipping into one of the ponds in the gardens was enough to make it seem as though the sun was shining.
We had to do some necessary shopping as our first outing (someone who shall be nameless left her hairbrush at home - doh) and we needed milk.
After that we headed for Killerton House and Gardens. Whilst we have been there before it is quite local to us and we were biding our time waiting to see what the rain would do. Well the rain - rained!
Had a buggy ride around the gardens which was great for Mum (not having to walk up all those hills) and for me (not having to risk letting go of the wheelchair at a critical point whilst going up/down a hill). This also has the benefit of having a NT volunteer who can give a commentary about what we are looking at and answer any questions.
There was a Farmer's market there today so we bought some very yummy and creamy Stilton cheese and some Apple Chutney and eventually headed back for a late lunch.
We decided, on balance, that it wasn't then worth going anywhere else only to get very soggy again so stayed put.
Earlier this morning I managed to get some very poor shots of a young swallow being fed - this picture is best described as a silhouette and then later this afternoon a party of six Long-tailed Tits arrived in the tops of the conifer hedge about 8feet away. Again, only a record shot as, even though I had an ISO of 800 !!, the light was so very poor.
Hopefully, tomorrow we'll get some better light then I can introduce you to the views from our flat and our bovine and birdy neighbours!
Forecast for the next few days? Getting better with more sun - I do hope so!

One of my afternoon visitors

"Have wheels, will travel"

hello mum.
oh i do recognise Killerton in the rain
Beautiful shots!
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