Saw Buzzards circling overhead; Mr. Chaffinch joined us for lunch and Mrs. Blackbird was foraging in the Kitchen Garden. Chiff-chaffs were singing and at one time, three could be heard; couldn't see them as they were safely hidden high up in the trees.
A great end to a lovely week in glorious Devon.
What shall I miss most? - the sound of the Swallows as I awake each morning - fantastic! And looking out of the doors over the fields at the cows and horses; birds flying across the lane as I approach and the rabbits scurrying into the fields. Great stuff!
Birdy visitors

Views of the Gardens

One of the many butterflies

and a dragonfly that wouldn't stay still long enough...

And the Plants

Mum your photos are stunning so glad you had a fab time but happy ypu will be coming home soon! LOL Sharon
Aw - thanks - see you soon :) xx
I Hope you enjoyed your hols as much as me.
Hi ST - glad you enjoyed my hols :)
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